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电话: 022-28379957-808
传真: 022-28379978
姓名: Will Xu
Tianjin boyu steel pipe co.,ltd.

  Tianjin Boyu Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. is a large-scale enterprise specializing in producing ERW welded pipes. We have a 1,700mm vertical cutting line. Our 114, 219mm welding lines can produce 200 thousand tons of high precision and high quality pipes annually. The outer diameter ranges from 42mm to 219mm, the wall thickness is 3mm to 14mm, and the steel grade is J55, X65, X70. Our pipes are produced according to the standards of API 5L, API 5CT, ASTM A53, GB/T9711.1, GB/T9711.2, GB/T13793-92, GB/T14

主要产品/业务: ERW steel pipe, SSAW steel pipe, coating pipe

Tianjin boyu steel pipe co.,ltd. / 天津 / Taipingcun Village,Caigongzhuang Town, Tianjin,China (301611) / 电话:022-28379957-808

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